When Should You Replace Your Bathtub?
Is your old bathtub a constant source of frustration? Is it nearly impossible to keep clean? Do you find regular mold or mildew outbreaks no matter how often you scrub and bleach your tub? Is its finish chipping away or just plain leaky? Like anything else, bathtub’s have a lifespan. If you find yourself wanting to ask a bathroom expert, “When should you replace your bathtub?” MaxHome can help.
Warning Signs That You Should Replace Your Bathtub
Before you decide if it’s time to replace your tub, you should consider the following:
Is Your Bathtub Moldy or Stained with Mildew?
Does it seem like your bathtub is constantly sprouting mold no matter how much cleaning you do? Have you bleached it a thousand times only for the mold to crop up every time you take a bath? Unfortunately, your tub’s finish might be deteriorating and no amount of cleaning will restore its protective qualities.
Have You Noticed Pitting or Cracking in Your Tub?
Small pits or cracks in your tub are another sign that it is on its last legs. In fact, mold and mildew often sprout inside these small holes and fissures. What looks like black dirt may in fact be small mold growths spawning in the tiny holes of your tub’s surface.
Do Baths and Showers Cause Leaks?
Compared to issues with mold or cracks, leaks should be much more alarming. Plumbing problems can lead to massive leaks and even bigger repair bills down the road. If you notice leaks while using your bathtub, water might be getting more places than your bathroom floor and you should seek professional advice immediately.
If You Find Yourself Asking, “When Should You Replace Your Bathtub?” It’s a Good Idea to Call the Experts
If you notice any of the above issues, you should consider replacing your bathtub. At MaxHome, we’re experts in bathtub remodels and conversions. In fact, we can often replace a bathtub in as a little as one day.
If you’re worried that your bathtub is nearing the end of its life, call the experts at MaxHome. You might be surprised by the bathtub solutions we have to offer, and acting now may be the key to avoiding huge expenses down the road. Contact us today to find out more or to schedule a consultation at your home.