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Need Windows for Your House in New Orleans, LA? Turn to MaxHome

Windows for House New Orleans LA, Windows for House New OrleansMaxHome can install vinyl windows for your house in New Orleans, Louisiana, or a nearby city. Our windows are available in multiple styles, from bay and bow to double hung and awning and everything in between. Plus, since their frames are made from tough vinyl, they will not crack, rot, pit, warp, peel, or otherwise deteriorate throughout the years, and will be low maintenance, virtually never needing to be re-painted or scraped.

But the fact that we offer numerous styles and vinyl frames for our windows is not the only benefit of choosing MaxHome for windows for your house in New Orleans, LA. Another benefit is that our windows are energy efficient, which means they can help to better insulate your home, keeping your residence warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer without requiring a heavy workload on your HVAC system. The components that work together to ensure energy efficiency include:

  • Low-E, high-performance glass
  • Polyurethane insulated frames
  • Triple Mylar fin seal weather stripping

Even the most energy-efficient windows won’t perform as expected if they are not properly installed. That’s why we employ factory-trained who will expertly and efficiently installed your windows. It’s due in part to their commitment to outstanding installations that we have maintained our A rating with the Better Business Bureau for many years.

Furthermore, our windows come backed by our own five-year installation warranty, along with a traditional warranty from the manufacturer. You can have complete confidence that your home investment will be properly safeguarded.

If you need new windows for your house, contact MaxHome. When you do, we’ll be pleased to schedule a complimentary consultation at your home in New Orleans, LA, or a neighboring city.

Trusted By More Than
20,000 Happy Customers
From the initial call to the final installation not a problem. What a wonderful Company to deal with. I recommend it very highly.
Sandra W.
We are satisfied,lifetime warranties on the products, with a better business bureau "A" rated and a factory certified installers with ....
Bernett G.
Max Home did a great job. Workers were very polite and made sure they keep area clean. The installer did a great job!
Richard J.
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